Gabby helping decorate the tree!
Thanksgiving, playing with warm marshmallows, wouldnt eat it but loved playing!
So havent been on here in a while. Not to much has changed. Gabby went to the pulmonologist, lungs sounded good, he just had aspiration pneumonia. He's been having cronic ear infections, 7 in 3 months to be exact. He will be getting tubes in Jan. Seems there really in a hurry makin him wait 6 weeks. The last video swallow was not so good, hes aspirating all consistancys. So every video swallow has gotton worse, this really concerns me. I dont know what to think half the time. Is my son terminal, or will he just keep truckin on in life just really behind. He still is unable to sit, or push up on his belly, no coordination in the gait trainer, feet go which ever way, he doesnt tolerate being upright very long, he starts to cry. His scoliosis is getting much worse. I filled out an application for shriners last night, I need to make copys of his medical records and send it in. His orthopedic said the scoliosis went from 27deg to 49deg (if I remember correctly) in 7 months, so he's to follow up in 6 months, and talkin about surgery. I really would like to avoid this if at all possible. That is why his ped asked me to contact shriners. My friend Jaime just got news of her little girl having mitochondrial disorder. This makes me start thinkin. Gabby has labs peding, so I call genetics to see if there back and what the labs were.. They are not back yet and its for mitochondrial disease. I havent been feelin myself latly. Wanting to start school in april and christmas is right around the corner. I have a Girls only vacation in Jan, cant wait, just hopin my Gabby baby will be A-ok while im gone for 5 days. Anyways just venting. The MRI is scheduled for Dec 28th, and the labs should be back before then. I will update once I get the results.