Saturday, February 26, 2011


So im starting this blog to keep a record of my lil man as he grows, all the ups and downs along the way.

Gabriel is 16 months now, he just got out of the hospital 4 days ago, he was there for 11 days cause he has an abcsess on his rear. Had 2 surgrys to drain it, and alot of IV antibiotics. His wound care is done by me at home, I really dont like to do it I hate to inflict pain on anyone, especially my baby. Im going to stay off of work until the wound heals. So it may be up to another week, but I really enjoy all the one on one time we get!
Currently Gabriel goes to physical therapy 2x week, occupational therapy 1x week and feeding therapy 1x per week. Gabriel is starting to sit supported, can roll side to side, cant crawl, stand or walk yet. He loved his therapy swing until we came back from the hospital. He now has a phobia of round thing, almost anything round, he flips, starts yelling and screaming and arching his back. We are unsure why he has these phobias. As far as eating goes, he takes 2 eight oz bottles of pediasure thickend during the day, and pediasure with water 500mls over night via g-tube, we offer baby food every day but he gags as if he is going to vomit. I believe this is another one of his sensory issues.

This is a pic when Gabriel still loved his swing, I really hope one day he will love it again!