Gabriel was born 10/12/09, 6lb 4oz baby boy. He is my 4th and last child, this is the story of my lil man.

Friday, May 20, 2011
nephrology appointment
She told me that sometimes this can be normal to urinate crystals, but she would need to analyze his urine to see if this is crystals or stones or uric acid.. So she sent us home with an urine collection kit, I will collect Sunday night then send to the lab Monday. We will also be sending the white stuff I collected off his skin. She said the results would take about a week, but believe me I will not be holding my breath. According to what she finds will determine the next step, which would probably be a renal ultrasound.
I'll try to keep posting as new results come in.
Diagnosis still pending...
So the nurse called back in about 10 minutes, hmm, I was right (as usual lol). The myotonic dystrophy was the blood test, she said that this is negitive, and she found the finalized results of the muscle biopsy and the results for the mitochondrial test was back. She said she would have to talk it over with the dr before she could give me the results. Of course the dr is in surgery all day so she would have to call me back tomorrow.
I asked if she could just read me the results from the report, she wouldn't have to explain what they mean. So said sorry she couldn't.. So I anxiously awaited for her to call today. I decided to give her a call at 2:32pm, guess what the freakin answering service picked up, the office closes at 2:30pm! I was so upset to say the least. So I tried a last ditch effort and call the general ped office, talked with the nurse, she was sorry to say that there access to the All Children's website would be down until Monday afternoon.
So you know I'm going to be calling bright and early Monday to get some answers.. Just a hunch, but I'm guessing he does have the mitochondrial related congenital myopathy since the nurse was so adamant she had to the Dr before giving me the results..
And so the wait continues...
clap clap clap your hands!
Another thing I noticed is that now he is getting better at putting his binki in his mouth, I was really wondering how he did it.. For instance, he would be laying in the bed, binki near by, but not in his mouth. So I watched how he did it one day. He would randomly pick it up, put it to his mouth, and like the first 20 times he would have it the wrong way, so he would bang the plastic back to his teeth, realize its not right, drop it down on the bed and pick it back up and put it to his mouth. He would do this repeatedly until he got it right! You could see how proud he was, he will chew the binki back and forth and smile to show off like "Look Mama look what I can do!". He is was patient little man, rarely gets frustrated when he is doing things himself, like playing with toys. But I you try to make him do something, oh man does he get mad, and he'll let you know it lol!
Heres a link to the you tube video of him clapping, so cute!
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
New benik vest
Finally got his vest to help his posture, and got the shorts to go with, this will help him from keeping his legs wide open, and he got the soft splints.... love them all! He seems to enjoy them too! He's got the best therapists around, I always look forward to wed, his therapy day!
Last week we had our appointment with the neurologist. He seemed excited to see us, the dr didn't even wait for the nurse to take us back, he came out to the waiting room to get us. When we got to the room he started to explain that Gabriel has "congenital myopathy". He said there are 7 different types, and he has gabriel narrowed down to 2. Mitochondrial related or a type of muscular dystrophy, but its not like the typical muscular dystrophy in the way its not degenritive. So the news sounds pretty good to me. I asked what's his prognosis is, dr said its hard to determine, in his 20+ yrs of practice he seen about 12 cases. They vary widely, from very mild disability to severly handicap, non-verbal and non-ambulatory. But Gabriel is very social and babbling and trying to communicate by waving and shaking his head no, so were very hopeful Gabriel will not be severe.. so now its a waiting game again for the pending results to see what type he has, about another month of waiting. But I have to say I am breathing much easier now, and will be patient.
Also the same day we had a repeat video swallow, way over due. Found out he was still aspirating, not suprised, but also silently aspirating on the consistantcy I was feeding him. Thank god he never had aspiration pneumonia. Very scary to find this out. So we are just adding more oatmeal to his pediasure bottles during the day, and he still gets the tube feed over night. Gabby has been doing really well with taking his bottles and not needing tube feeding during the day, now we need to get him to take more baby food in, ahhh one step at a time..
So anyways my little man is doing just fine! I love him sooo much!