Lil man is now 18 months. Tomorrow we go to neuro appt to get the muscle biopsy results. I've been o~so patiently waiting for, I'm hopeful we will get some answers, but not holding my breath..
I'm very proud to say that in the past few weeks Gabriel has learned a few more "tricks" lol. He now can wave bye or hi, shake his head no in response to someone saying no or if he's not happy, aaannnnddd (drum roll please!) He is beging to move in his gait trainer, only backwards, but I'll take that!
Also on our adgenda tomorrow is a video swallow.. I don't think much has changed since the last one 9m ago (were 3 months late), been a bit busy.
List of things I need to do~ make appt with eye dr, to see if he has vision problems that's why he keeps his head cocked to the side and is scared of round things. Get him into the wheelchair clinic at shriners. Find out more about the happy mealtime program at all childrens and see if its something we should do..
Got my plate full as usual, I'll update tomorrow hopefully with some answers.