Today my little Gabby is 18 months, he's come a long way. Just yesterday he started to learn how to go backwards in his gait trainer, I should have got a video, he went about 10 feet! So he is really starting to understand that he can move his body to do things he wants. Now when he rolls he is starting to lift his head up when hes on his side to see whats going on. He still hates to be on his stomach though. He is working on prop sitting, but fights it too much, I know he has the streignth but he just pushs back and falls.
Were still waiting on the muscle biopsy results.. Not much to say about that but just that im so frustrated at waiting forever for test results. But the site healed up nicely, so thats a big plus.
On the down side, Gabriel has been sick the past week. The older kids caught a bug and then he got it. Started with vomiting then diarhhea, now its moving to his chest, and has a gunky cough and runny nose. He hasnt had any respiratory problems since he had pneumonia in early dec 10. Ive been told by the pulmonologist that he has a floppy air way and if he gets any respiratory illness we should watch him close. So that is what I will do. The cough started today, so I hope it wont get much worse. Hes been happy today, just still not eating as much as he should, and not even able to digest what he should take in. He's still spitting up quite a bit.. But keeping clear liquids down via gtube..
Hopefully I will have better news on my next post..
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