Friday, December 16, 2011

26 months

Gabby helping decorate the tree!

Thanksgiving, playing with warm marshmallows, wouldnt eat it but loved playing!
So havent been on here in a while. Not to much has changed. Gabby went to the pulmonologist, lungs sounded good, he just had aspiration pneumonia. He's been having cronic ear infections, 7 in 3 months to be exact. He will be getting tubes in Jan. Seems there really in a hurry makin him wait 6 weeks. The last video swallow was not so good, hes aspirating all consistancys. So every video swallow has gotton worse, this really concerns me. I dont know what to think half the time. Is my son terminal, or will he just keep truckin on in life just really behind. He still is unable to sit, or push up on his belly, no coordination in the gait trainer, feet go which ever way, he doesnt tolerate being upright very long, he starts to cry. His scoliosis is getting much worse. I filled out an application for shriners last night, I need to make copys of his medical records and send it in. His orthopedic said the scoliosis went from 27deg to 49deg (if I remember correctly) in 7 months, so he's to follow up in 6 months, and talkin about surgery. I really would like to avoid this if at all possible. That is why his ped asked me to contact shriners. My friend Jaime just got news of her little girl having mitochondrial disorder. This makes me start thinkin. Gabby has labs peding, so I call genetics to see if there back and what the labs were.. They are not back yet and its for mitochondrial disease. I havent been feelin myself latly. Wanting to start school in april and christmas is right around the corner. I have a Girls only vacation in Jan, cant wait, just hopin my Gabby baby will be A-ok while im gone for 5 days. Anyways just venting. The MRI is scheduled for Dec 28th, and the labs should be back before then. I will update once I get the results.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Wheel chair has arrived!

We got Gabriel's wheel chair about a week and a half ago. I was feeling really weird about taking him in public. What if someone asked whats wrong with him.. Well my older kids were more than excited to try it out. So the first time we went shopping the kids wanted to push Gabriel. Man did Gabriel and the kids have a blast. I was worried my 9 yr old Jeremy was gonna run off with him lol. Gabriel really loves sitting upright, im sure this much feel so much better than slouching in the stroller. And really help his scoliosis. His wheel chair also came with a tray, this is super awesome cause we can use it as a seat in the house instead of the high chair. I love how it reclines too. The only bad thing is that his arms hang back when hes relined, so I'm going to make a pillow to put by both arm rests to keep this from happening. I also wanted a canopy but apparently they don't make these. Its so hot in Florida and I want him to have some shade when were outside. This brings me to my home depot story...

Gabriel getting casted for new AFO (leg braces)

So we went to home depot to look for something to build a canopy for the wheel chair. The lady to the right really was trying to help me so bad. We were walking all over the store looking for something to build this. We just about gave up and I was going to go to the fabric store, she came back with 2 hose tips that adjust, just like the pieces on the side of stroller canopy's that allow you to open and close and it stays in position (dont know if your following me lol), anyways, she said they were 15$ each but was quick to say how about if we just give them to you. I thought she was kidding, nope she was serious. So a couple other employees came over, they were interested in giving me ideas to build this canopy. So we brought the wheel chair in from the truck and sized up the parts we needed. One of the managers even offered to build it for me, lol Im a little to anal for that. But that was an awesome offer! So we got all the parts we need, get to the register and they ring it up... Umm they said they wanted to donate everything, the only thing I would have to bring Gabby and the wheel chair back in when I'm finished. Ya know I love to show off my work, so of course I was super excited they donated a good 50$ worth of stuff! So it only took me 2 days to do this, a few trial and errors but I got it together and it looks great, and is totally removable like it was never there. My plan was to sew a canopy out of fabric with cars on it, but the canopy looked horrible. Then I remembered I had an extra canopy piece that is suppose to attach to an existing canopy of a stroller to make it bigger. So this ended up working perfect and matches like it came with the wheelchair. So today I wrote a thank you note and printed pictures of the wheelchair before and after. Gabby and I went to home depot to show it off! Only 2 of the employees were there that helped me the other day. They were so excited to see Gabriel and very impressed! They told me that the store manager has a daughter with a traumatic brain injury, and is in a wheelchair, this is why she wanted to donate all this for Gabriel, they said her heart melted when they seen Gabriel!!! This experience so made my day, week, month...! There really are good people out there, don't waste time looking for them, they will find you! What comes around goes around, I love to bless people and get blessed too. Life is soooo Good!

Friday, July 15, 2011

21 months old! Wheel chair fitting

My little man is now 21 months, today we went for a wheel chair fitting.. Bitter sweet. I know he needs better support than a stroller, he always scoots his butt down then his lower back doesn't touch the stroller, its just not good for his scoliosis. So I was thinking that it would look more like a stroller than a wheelchair. I was wrong. Don't know why its bothering me, but I just feel like when he gets the wheel chair and use it in public its gonna scream "look at me" and then people will wonder why is this little guy in a wheel chair.. I don't know maybe its a reality check that my son has delays and dare I say disabled or handicap. Its just really hitting home that he's not going to out grow this, like so many well meaning people have said to me since he was an infant. I got a comment the last week from a women in a store, she was talking to Gabriel and said " wow look at those thighs, he should be pushing the stroller not in it!" so it sorta pissed me off, don't know why and I said "he cant walk he has a muscle disease" lol for some reason it made me feel better like I was sticking up for my lil man! But then the lady kept on and was saying that she would pray for him.. I know she didn't know anything was wrong with him by him just sitting in the stroller, but the comments are bothering me. If im walking and holding Gabriel, if someone doesn't see his face that hes awake they say, "awww out like a light" or "how cute hes sleeping, or so relaxed" then they realize hes awake and they just look at me weird.. While I'm on a roll, It also really bothers me when people put their 2cents, 3cents, 4cents... in, like asking me all kinds of questions like did you have this test, or this therapy, or blah blah blah..

Guess I'm venting a bit, its been a stressful past month.. But Gabriel is doing good (knock on wood), hes a happy chubby little guy and just an absolute joy. I thank god that although he has poor muscle tone, he doesn't seem to have any other issues, like with his organs and such. Feeding is also getting better, hes more willing to try new foods, though he doesn't eat much of it, he is trying, so for this I'm very happy!
BTW the wheel chair will take about 4-8wks to get, maybe I will be more prepared for it by the time  it arrives..

God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.

Friday, May 20, 2011

nephrology appointment

Today we seen the nephrologist to see if they could give us an answer as to why Gabriel has been urinating white sediment. Over the past 3 months or so it has become very apparent. I have been finding white stuff dried to his skin when I change his diaper. He does this several times a week. Sometimes its so much I can flake it off his skin. I saved some to show the dr.
She told me that sometimes this can be normal to urinate crystals, but she would need to analyze his urine to see if this is crystals or stones or uric acid.. So she sent us home with an urine collection kit, I will collect Sunday night then send to the lab Monday. We will also be sending the white stuff I collected off his skin. She said the results would take about a week, but believe me I will not be holding my breath. According to what she finds will determine the next step, which would probably be a renal ultrasound.
I'll try to keep posting as new results come in.

Diagnosis still pending...

Yesterday I got a call from the neuro's office, the nurse told me his biopsy came back and hes negative for myotonic dystrophy. This is a type of congenital myopathy the dr thought he may have. I was confused. I told the nurse that the biopsy was pending the mitochondrial test not the myotonic dystrophy, that this was a blood test. She told me no, that the myotonic dystrophy test was with the biopsy. Then after I still questioned this, and asked what the result of the mito test was, she said she would check and call me back..
So the nurse called back in about 10 minutes, hmm, I was right (as usual lol). The myotonic dystrophy was the blood test, she said that this is negitive, and she found the finalized results of the muscle biopsy and the results for the mitochondrial test was back. She said she would have to talk it over with the dr before she could give me the results. Of course the dr is in surgery all day so she would have to call me back tomorrow.
I asked if she could just read me the results from the report, she wouldn't have to explain what they mean. So said sorry she couldn't.. So I anxiously awaited for her to call today. I decided to give her a call at 2:32pm, guess what the freakin answering service picked up, the office closes at 2:30pm! I was so upset to say the least. So I tried a last ditch effort and call the general ped office, talked with the nurse, she was sorry to say that there access to the All Children's website would be down until Monday afternoon.

So you know I'm going to be calling bright and early Monday to get some answers.. Just a hunch, but I'm guessing he does have the mitochondrial related congenital myopathy since the nurse was so adamant she had to the Dr before giving me the results..

And so the wait continues...

clap clap clap your hands!

Little man has learned how to clap in the last few weeks and boy does he like to show it off! I'm so proud every time he learns something new, its so exciting. I never would have thought that each milestone that baby's reach would be so exciting and anxiously anticipated. With my other 3 children each milestone was reached right on time, like textbook. I guess we just take all these little things for granted. Gabriel has helped me realize we need to take a step back and be patient, each child is different and will reach there milestones when there good and ready.. Of course  a little therapy doesn't hurt, lol.
Another thing I noticed is that now he is getting better at putting his binki in his mouth, I was really wondering how he did it.. For instance, he would be laying in the bed, binki near by, but not in his mouth. So I watched how he did it one day. He would randomly pick it up, put it to his mouth, and like the first 20 times he would have it the wrong way, so he would bang the plastic back to his teeth, realize its not right, drop it down on the bed and pick it back up and put it to his mouth. He would do this repeatedly until he got it right! You could see how proud he was, he will chew the binki back and forth and smile to show off like "Look Mama look what I can do!". He is was patient little man, rarely gets frustrated when he is doing things himself, like playing with toys. But I you try to make him do something, oh man does he get mad, and he'll let you know it lol!
Heres a link to the you tube video of him clapping, so cute!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

New benik vest

Finally got his vest to help his posture, and got the shorts to go with, this will help him from keeping his legs wide open, and he got the soft splints....  love them all! He seems to enjoy them too! He's got the best therapists around, I always look forward to wed, his therapy day!


Last week we had our appointment with the neurologist. He seemed excited to see us, the dr didn't even wait for the nurse to take us back, he came out to the waiting room to get us. When we got to the room he started to explain that Gabriel has "congenital myopathy". He said there are 7 different types, and he has gabriel narrowed down to 2. Mitochondrial related or a type of muscular dystrophy, but its not like the typical muscular dystrophy in the way its not degenritive. So the news sounds pretty good to me. I asked what's his prognosis is, dr said its hard to determine, in his 20+ yrs of practice he seen about 12 cases. They vary widely, from very mild disability to severly handicap, non-verbal and non-ambulatory. But Gabriel is very social and babbling and trying to communicate by waving and shaking his head no, so were very hopeful Gabriel will not be severe.. so now its a waiting game again for the pending results to see what type he has, about another month of waiting. But I have to say I am breathing much easier now, and will be patient.

Also the same day we had a repeat video swallow, way over due. Found out he was still aspirating, not suprised, but also silently aspirating on the consistantcy I was feeding him. Thank god he never had aspiration pneumonia. Very scary to find this out. So we are just adding more oatmeal to his pediasure bottles during the day, and he still gets the tube feed over night. Gabby has been doing really well with taking his bottles and not needing tube feeding during the day, now we need to get him to take more baby food in, ahhh one step at a time..

So anyways my little man is doing just fine! I love him sooo much!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

18 months old!

Lil man is now 18 months. Tomorrow we go to neuro appt to get the muscle biopsy results. I've been o~so patiently waiting for, I'm hopeful we will get some answers, but not holding my breath..
I'm very proud to say that in the past few weeks Gabriel has learned a few more "tricks" lol. He now can wave bye or hi, shake his head no in response to someone saying no or if he's not happy, aaannnnddd (drum roll please!) He is beging to move in his gait trainer, only backwards, but I'll take that!

Also on our adgenda tomorrow is a video swallow.. I don't think much has changed since the last one 9m ago (were 3 months late), been a bit busy.

List of things I need to do~ make appt with eye dr, to see if he has vision problems that's why he keeps his head cocked to the side and is scared of round things. Get him into the wheelchair clinic at shriners. Find out more about the happy mealtime program at all childrens and see if its something we should do..

Got my plate full as usual, I'll update tomorrow hopefully with some answers.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

18 months!

Today my little Gabby is 18 months, he's come a long way. Just yesterday he started to learn how to go backwards in his gait trainer, I should have got a video, he went about 10 feet! So he is really starting to understand that he can move his body to do things he wants. Now when he rolls he is starting to lift his head up when hes on his side to see whats going on. He still hates to be on his stomach though. He is working on prop sitting, but fights it too much, I know he has the streignth but he just pushs back and falls.
Were still waiting on the muscle biopsy results.. Not much to say about that but just that im so frustrated at waiting forever for test results. But the site healed up nicely, so thats a big plus.
On the down side, Gabriel has been sick the past week. The older kids caught a bug and then he got it. Started with vomiting then diarhhea, now its moving to his chest, and has a gunky cough and runny nose. He hasnt had any respiratory problems since he had pneumonia in early dec 10. Ive been told by the pulmonologist that he has a floppy air way and if he gets any respiratory illness we should watch him close. So that is what I will do. The cough started today, so I hope it wont get much worse. Hes been happy today, just still not eating as much as he should, and not even able to digest what he should take in. He's still spitting up quite a bit.. But keeping clear liquids down via gtube..
Hopefully I will have better news on my next post..

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Busch gardens

This is  the first time Gabby went to busch gardens. I want to include him with the other kids but sometimes it can be very difficult. His sensory issues really stress him out. All the loud noises today kept him pretty upset, he cried a lot and trashed his body too. The costers and music were very loud. Also the train ride around the park, he freaked everytime the announcer would say something over the speaker, which was like every 2 seconds. He did ok with the water area. I sat him wth me on the ground by a water spout, he let me put his feet in and he didn't cry. 
I think next time we go we will put ear plugs in his ears or headphones like in therapy, to dround out all the sound.
But my lil man did manage to take a long nap with al the noise.
One funny thing that happened is a man walking by seen gabriel sleeping in the stroller, and noticed the scar on his leg. (Gabriel was wearing a t-shirt and diaper, this is after we played in the water) and he asked if he was having a mitochondrial test. I said yes that this is the scar from his biopsy a wek and a half ago. I said how did you know? He told me his daughter had the same test when she was about 5 months old, she is now 8yrs old, and looked like an adverage kid. He told me his daughter didn't sit until 2 yrs old and walked around 4yrs. He also said all the blood work that was done on his daughter was normal, the biopsy is what gave them the diagnosis. He told me they live in atlanta Ga, and they have the nations best mitochondral dr there. I feel very encouraged to think that maybe one day Gabriel will be able to walk and make progress. I think its so neat how someone can look at a babys leg, see a scar, and they remember what they went through with there own child, and are open to talking with a complete stranger... I hate for anyone to have to go through difficult times with there child, and id be lying if I said I never say "why me" every once in a while, but I do find comfort in knowing I'm not alone, and I do feel very fortunate I have such a beautiful family and friends...

Friday, March 25, 2011

Muscle Biopsy part 2

Gabriel had his muscle biopsy 2 days ago. Everything when as good as can be expected. He woke up from anesthesia fast, wanted his "Mama" and the nurse said he was yelling mamma for me. How I love my sweet man! The surgeon cut out a dinosaur shaped bandage for him, said to keep it on for 2 days. I took it off today, the site looked great, has 4 steri strips and the skin looked closed and no sign of infection (fingers and toes crossed). Only needed tylenol for the first 24 hours. He has been eating extremely well too! Yesterday and today he has taken his 2 day time feeds by mouth, and just the tube feed at night.

So the wait is on..Doctor said it would take a week or two to get the results.. Although I don't want anything wrong with my baby, I know there is, and I just want some answers, I really hope the biopsy can lead us in the right direction..

Friday, March 18, 2011

USF physical therapy

Gabriel's got to be the little example at USF's physical therapy class, two days ago. Im so proud of my lil man, he's such a show off! His PT at all children's asked us if she could use him as an example, Im so into teaching, so of course I volunteered him. She showed the students his braces, him in his gait trainer, a vest that I dont remember the name, and had him on the mat. Gabriel fought as usual when she tried to move him side to side or sit propped. But when she stopped Gabriel was rolling side to side reaching for his favorite ball, it was pretty funny. The instructor gave Gabriel a really neat looking globe that has bright lights inside that spin, he was totally mesmerized and stared with amazement and tried to eat it. It also has a handle and vibrates, I think he likes this on his mouth cause he's teething.
I brought my gang with me, and they got to stay in a classroom next door and watch a movie and write on the white board. Its spring break so they didn't want to stay home, I don't blame them..
Just wanted to share our special day.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Pitty Party!

On our way back from All Childrens today I stopped at baby-r-us to see if they had any cute onesies in 24 month size. I love the onesie cause it keeps his shirt down and he cant mess with his mic-key button. As im shopping this lady starts talking to Gabriel, and asks my opinion on a towel set she is buying for someone off there baby registry. Gabriel looks at her so shy, and smiles, he is in the infant seat of the shopping cart since he cant sit yet, and the lady was saying oh hes probably around her granddaughters age, but he looks bigger. I asked how old is her grandaughter, she said 4 months! 4 MONTHS im thinking, holey cow, how could this lady think hes 4 months! Well of course she asked how old, 17months I say, then she just seems a little shocked and didn't really say anything else about baby's and said well I think I found what im looking for, have a nice day.... I walk the store to the toys and bikes, this little girls, looks about Gabriel's size is running around checking out those cute comfy baby recliners that look like mini adult chairs. I was looking at the neat baby bike that looks almost exactly like the one we bought Gabriel for christmas, it has 5 point harness and all. But the one at the store had a nice cushiony fabric cover, I thought, wow maybe I could make this for his bike, I take the bike off the shelf to inspect it closer. I try to put Gabriel in it, it was so hard to get his chubby legs in the right area, and his floppy heavy body made it very difficult. The little girl wasnt really paying much attention to the chair anymore, she wanted the bike now. She was so cute, I asked her mom how old she is, she said  almost 12 months.... I don't know why all this is starting to bother me so much now, but it is!

When Gabriel was 6 months old and floppy and unable to sit, and under weight, and aspirating...I would always get "he'll grow out of it, he's a late bloomer". Now I don't get these comments anymore, its too apparent that this is not true. I accept him exactly how he is, I cant express how much I love him, I just wish people can see what I see in him, and I wish I didn't have to explain ten million times what is wrong with him, why I dont have a diagnosis, and then the person give me there well meaned two cents... I guess im getting exhausted..

I have to say I dont cry much, but I did cry today after I left babys-r-us..This is not the life I expected, this is not the life I planned, but im so fortunate Gabriel is my son, and he choose me to be his Mommy..

muscle biopsy

Today we had the appointment with the surgeon, to schedule Gabriels muscle biopsy. This is the last of testing the genetic and neuro doctors are planning on ordering. So frustrating! Feels like there giving up, like oh well, we cant figure this out, time to move on. But im not giving up on my quest to get a diagnosis for my little prince. So next wed he will have the muscle biopsy as an one day procedure at all childrens hospital. Im hoping to get the results in about a week. Then if it shows something, I guess thats good, so we know what direction to move into, but if its negative I want to take him to the genetic specialist at USF. I want  a second opinion.

While I was at All Childrens today I decided to pick up copies of labs from when Gariel was in the hospital with the abcess last month. Cause they did a urine look for cystine to check for hypotonia cystinuria syndrome. My great and wonderful friend Kelly researched this and found that Gabriel has almost all the symptoms. I looked up this disorder too, and couldnt find too much about it. Its a very rare disorder, but worth looking into. I was told by the ped that Gabriels urine was not consistent with the disorder. But I looked at the lab results and Gabriel does have cystine in his urine, but hardly elevated. Reference range is 0.03-0.15, and Gabriels was 0.16, im not sure how high it needs to be to be a positive for the disorder, but I definitely think it should be rechecked with a strieght cath or 24 hour urine. This is something I will be bringing up after the muscle biopsy. Another thing, that may or may not matter is that in every urine Gabriel has had done, there has been amorphous crystals in his urine..The docs say that this is normal, im just say'n.

To top everything off, my little mans scoliosis is getting worse, I dont even like to look at his back with his shirt off, it scares me too much! We have his first appointment with ortho in 2 weeks, we'll see if he needs a brace or a wheelchair, or what we need to do so this wont get worse..

Friday, March 11, 2011


Gabby got to finally meet his little girlfriend Madilyn on skype yesterday. Its so funny how we planned many times to meet on skype and life happens, but yesterday it was just a coincidence we were both on at the same time.. The first attempt was at Angies moms house and Gabriel wanted nothing to do with it, because we were in her brothers room that has huge animal heads mounted on the wall. Gabriel just kept looking at them and crying, poor kid! Anyways, so i'd like to say I love skype and am surprised I havent be on it a long time ago. This is the closest to meeting in reality we may ever come, cause they live in Utah and were in Florida. Madilyn is alot like Gabriel, with the hypotonia and development, her mommy Jaime found us on youtube because of all the videos I have of Gabriel. Im so glad she found us! Its so nice to be able to talk with her, its so nice that we can share experiences, and its so nice to have someone to relate with, its just so nice...

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Busy Day!!

So many people have asked me, Erin I don't know how you do it!? Well this is my answer as to how I do it. LOL enjoy!
What a day! I will list the sequence of events..
630am get up to pick up my friends kids, my turn to babysit
715am back home
815-930am dr appointment for Gabriel to check up on his abscess, its still there, still needs packing, and still has two really firm areas, that possibly needs draining.
1010am arrive 10 mins late for a playgroup for kids that have disabilities, it was the first time going, it was at a private gymnasium, the kids absolutely loved it! They were sweating and asking for water when they were done, and as in kids I mean my 3yr old son, 3yr old nephew and almost 3yr old & 15month old friends kids, Gabby enjoyed watching the kids play, and laughing, he also enjoyed when they blew bubbles with a fan, Gabriel kept trying to hit the bubbles while lying on the ground, so cute.
1200noon lunch at mcdonalds, 1.99$ happy meal day, need I say more..
0100pm driving home from mcdonalds all the kids fell asleep.
0130pm picked up my husband to sit in the truck while I go into target to get a few things
0230pm checking out at target, seen one of my great friends I haven't seen in a few weeks, made plans to go to the park later.
0300pm back at home, kids awake now, I organized some things and went through a ton of clothes to sell at Angie's moms yard sale this weekend.
0500pm at sims park, the kids favorite, got a few more kids in tow, my 11yr old daughter and 9yr old niece, so my 8 seater expedition was full! 5 carseats, and  a umbrella stroller in the back, but the girls really do help out alot, and this park is big, everything built from wood, soooo nice! Rachael came up with Soren a few mins after we got there. The kids had a blast!
0630pm my daughter talks us into getting icecream at the cute icecream shop  across the street, they are right on the canal and have a wonderful back yard with tables and chairs, and a dock.
0700pm packing up to drive home, kids got school tomorrow and haven't even had dinner before there icecream. My friends husband just got his kids once we were done with the icecream. Noticed my friend Racheal left her cup in the stroller, so I stopped by her house to drop it off, she lives a few blocks from the park. My daughter was running the cup to the door, guess Racheal didn't hear her knock, cause her son Soren answered the door, then the dog came running and barking at Elizabeth, she screamed the loudest blood curdling scream! As the dog stood there laughing, im pretty sure her dog was laughing! and waggin her tail! So after all this, Rachael and I shoot the shit for another 30 mins,..
0745pm Home, dinner was ready, fed the kids quick, then baths..
0900pm Finally check my FB page!!
0940pm scarred the bajesus out of Gabriel, him and I were at the computer and apparently I choked on my own saliva, and started to cough like crazy, he started crying and yelling, sounded like his scared cry, poor kid.
0957pm still sitting here at the computer Gabriel sitting on my lap sleeping, hoping to skype for the first time, with my friend Jamie, her little girl is special just like my little boy! I was hoping Gabriel would be awake, but im not going to wake him, but I cant guarantee I wont cough! LOL

1000pm Good night!

Saturday, February 26, 2011


So im starting this blog to keep a record of my lil man as he grows, all the ups and downs along the way.

Gabriel is 16 months now, he just got out of the hospital 4 days ago, he was there for 11 days cause he has an abcsess on his rear. Had 2 surgrys to drain it, and alot of IV antibiotics. His wound care is done by me at home, I really dont like to do it I hate to inflict pain on anyone, especially my baby. Im going to stay off of work until the wound heals. So it may be up to another week, but I really enjoy all the one on one time we get!
Currently Gabriel goes to physical therapy 2x week, occupational therapy 1x week and feeding therapy 1x per week. Gabriel is starting to sit supported, can roll side to side, cant crawl, stand or walk yet. He loved his therapy swing until we came back from the hospital. He now has a phobia of round thing, almost anything round, he flips, starts yelling and screaming and arching his back. We are unsure why he has these phobias. As far as eating goes, he takes 2 eight oz bottles of pediasure thickend during the day, and pediasure with water 500mls over night via g-tube, we offer baby food every day but he gags as if he is going to vomit. I believe this is another one of his sensory issues.

This is a pic when Gabriel still loved his swing, I really hope one day he will love it again!