Friday, May 20, 2011

clap clap clap your hands!

Little man has learned how to clap in the last few weeks and boy does he like to show it off! I'm so proud every time he learns something new, its so exciting. I never would have thought that each milestone that baby's reach would be so exciting and anxiously anticipated. With my other 3 children each milestone was reached right on time, like textbook. I guess we just take all these little things for granted. Gabriel has helped me realize we need to take a step back and be patient, each child is different and will reach there milestones when there good and ready.. Of course  a little therapy doesn't hurt, lol.
Another thing I noticed is that now he is getting better at putting his binki in his mouth, I was really wondering how he did it.. For instance, he would be laying in the bed, binki near by, but not in his mouth. So I watched how he did it one day. He would randomly pick it up, put it to his mouth, and like the first 20 times he would have it the wrong way, so he would bang the plastic back to his teeth, realize its not right, drop it down on the bed and pick it back up and put it to his mouth. He would do this repeatedly until he got it right! You could see how proud he was, he will chew the binki back and forth and smile to show off like "Look Mama look what I can do!". He is was patient little man, rarely gets frustrated when he is doing things himself, like playing with toys. But I you try to make him do something, oh man does he get mad, and he'll let you know it lol!
Heres a link to the you tube video of him clapping, so cute!

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